Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Morning

At 2:30 a.m. Christmas morning Trevor decided he was done waiting to see what Santa brought him so he woke everyone up. When I tried explaining to him that it was too early to get up. He did not buy it, he kept saying with real passion "THIS NIGHT IS TAKING SOOOO LOOONG!" So I finally asked him if he had heard Santa come yet. He said "no" so then I explained to him that maybe Santa has not come yet so he better go back to sleep just incase. He agreed (but not happily). Meanwhile, I could not get back to sleep so when all the kids were up and ready to go downstairs at 6:30 a.m. I agreed.
Here is our annual "one the stairs ready to come see what Santa brought" picture: Santa brought the following for everyone:
Nintento DS for Mackenzie

Nintendo DS for Trevor

Uggs for Madalyn (dark brown tall to be exact!):

Dora and the walking Pegasus for Meredith. She does not really like Dora, but she loves the Pegasus!

Ryan got a ripstick, but I could not find any pictures of it so here is the next best thing- nose hair trimmer!

I got new running shoes, but there is not one picture of me on Christmas because I was the one taking the pictures!


Jennifer said...

Love the boots! I have had mine for 19 years now and they just gave up the ghost a couple of weeks ago. I need to get a new pair soon. Where did you get Maddie's?

Kari said...

Looks like a fun Christmas. I hope you had a great birthday too.

Clarkes said...

Here we go again....I got running shoes, too! Are we surprised? No!