Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cupcake's anyone?

Cupcakes for Dinner!

Trevor and Meredith were so excited to get to have an "April Fool's" by having dessert for dinner!  They really bought into the whole thing and thought I was the coolest mom ever!  Trevor (who does not like mashed potatoes) made sure to pick the cupcake with the most frosting.  After prayer he dug in with a HUGE bite only to be VERY dissappointed that it was a mouthful on mashed potatoes!  He thought for sure they were real because of the "sprinkles" on top!
Meredith on the other hand took her time taking the paper lining off and gave me a look of 'the cake does not look so good'.  She was not quite sure what was going on.  I hope you all had a fun April Fool's Day!


Grandma said...

Love it!!!

Jenny Moore said...

I did the exact thing last night and they all fell for it!!! I loved it!

L said...

LOL!! That is hilarious! What a great April Fool's joke!