Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday Meredith!!!

Our sweet "doll" is turning 8 today!  Today we reflect on the six weeks Danielle lived in the hospital, the trying to not have to deliver early and the sudden urgency to deliver Meredith at 34 weeks.  The doctor and family were all surprised when our 4# 10oz. 16" long baby girl was super healthy.  Small, but mighty!

 We did not know what to do with such a small baby that would fit into her Daddy's hands:

So we just gave her lots of love and she grew and grew.....

Into a beautiful, TALL, little girl!

In our family it is a tradition to get your ears pierced at the age of eight.  Meredith had anxiously awaited for this day to come!  We went to dinner at Farrell's.....

Then walked downstairs to Claire's (Meredith's middle name) and she picked out the perfect 4mm cz earrings!  Here is her before picture. 

The during shot!  She did not cry or flinch, however she said it hurt a lot more than she expected!

The After shot...all SMILES!  She thought she looked so different and grown up when she saw herself in the mirror.  We all agreed!

Happy Birhday Meredith!!!!

Coming up....Meredith gets baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on her actual birthday!!!!

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