Sunday, June 8, 2008


Like the popular Beatles song....chchchanges that change the world. We have had some changes to our ward recently that might not change the world, but they certainly affect our community of close knit families. Once again our ward has split- this time in half. Yes, our ward had gotten so big that we had to be split in half. It has been a big change to go from a ward of 700 to a ward of 350...everyone will now actually have a calling (or two :o))! To be exact our small community is now part of three different wards!

Since I have been primary president I have seen our ward split twice. The first time we lost about 20 kids. This time we went from 185 kids in the primary and 60 in the nursery to 92 kids in primary and 30 in nursery. I know that 185 kids are alot, but I must admit that my heart was so sad today- I was missing the other 93 kids who are now in the "other" ward. Our primary seemed so tiny!!!! It has truly been a blessing for me to see these kids grow in the gospel and gain a testimony of the truthfulness of this gospel. It has been a thrill to see the deacons pass the sacrament who once were the Val 11 and 12 boys who did not want to sing in primary. I will miss all you wonderful children (and youth now too) who are now apart of a different ward. You have all brought so much joy into my life. For those of you I still get to see on a weekly basis- I am so excited to be your primary president! This is a challenging, but rewarding calling. I would not trade the past 2 1/2 years I have had to spend with each of you for anything. I love watching each of you grow up and gain a testimony!


Jenny Moore said...

Ward changes are always hard but a little bit fun at the same time! That is a huge primary that you are in charge of...I served as the PP in Vegas and absolutely loved it!!!
Have fun...I'm sure your kids love to spend time with you in Primary on Sunday!!

Jodie said...

While it is sad that half the families are in another ward, it is nice that it's less chaotic!