Madalyn had her first coed birthday party this year. It was TONS of fun..even the boys had a great time :)! The evening started off with food from Las Golondrinas...yum! The girls all congregated to the courtyard leaving the boys to the kitchen table. A few of the boys decided to move their chairs into the courtyard to join the girls! We also had yummy, super chocolate cake just for Madalyn!
A few of the brave boys who started the "boys move into the courtyard" trend!
We then moved over to the grass area next door and played some fun games! The first one was the M&M game. The kids lined up boy/girl and with a spoon in their mouth had to transfer M&M's. We kept adding more M&M's to the spoon to make it more difficult!
Next we played big, better, best. The kids were divided into four groups and given a paperclip. They were then assigned a street to go door to door and trade items for something that was big, better or best. Once back they had to "sell" their item and explain why it was so great! Here's what the teams came back with:
Laundry hamper
Cookie jar aka Urn
The winner was this replacement battery for a Mac computer! We could not believe someone would just give this away!
Lastly we played capture the flag!
Here is the entire gang at the end of the evening (minus Jacob and Sam):
As the evening rolled on the boys got a bit silly...planking on the pool and backyard fence!
The evening ended with feet in the jacuzzi visiting with one another!