For Valentines this year we celebrated with our annual family dinner. About five years ago I started a new family tradition. The kids get a formal invitation to our Valentine dinner on their pillow about a week before with an assignment to make a Valentine for a specific person in the family. This year Mackenzie made the invitations- thanks! We then order Chinese Food take out (so I get to enjoy the evening also), I set a themed table and serve the food with Sparkling Cider. This year Mackenzie sewed Valentine holders for everyone in the family. We turn down the lights and light the candles and enjoy our evening together. It is so fun to visit and read what our Valentine has written to us. A great way to show love for one another!
This year we were also able to go to the cemetary with Grandpa Jones to visit Ryan's mom. She passed away a year ago (2/17/08). While there we also visited Grandpa Wrights parents. Luckily the weather was nice :o)!

We thought it was funny how everyone had a twin in the picture. No it was not planned!
We thought it was funny how everyone had a twin in the picture. No it was not planned!