On day six of the cruise we had a short stop in Alcapulco. We were only there five hours so we did not do much. We walked along the shore and saw all the kids trying to sell us "Stride" gum (what happened to chicklets??) and adults were selling homemade umbrella pens and sea shells. Trevor collects shells from all our vacations so he loved seeing all these:
Across the street from the port was this old fort with lots of charm. By the time we decided to walk through it it started sprinkling and it was almost time for the boat to leave so we did not have time to take a tour. We would have liked to because it was a really cool fort!

Can't you just imagine water in this mote???

From the fort we could see our ship- check out the dark clouds behind us. By the time we got back to the boat it was POURING RAIN- we were absolutely soaked!!!