At our elementary school the kids have to take a test if they want to run for an office on Student Council. If they pass the test they are eligible to run. Well, Madalyn passed the test and is running for Vice-President! Now the excitement begins with posters, campaigning, and speech writing.
Since school was closed last week Madalyn was notified via email of her eligibility to run for V.P- however the poster, speech dates and requirements did not show up on my computer until Sunday night at 8:00 p.m. (because of technical difficulty with Madalyn's computer). Well, I was so surprised to learn that the posters were due Monday morning at 7:45 a.m. What is a girl to do who does not shop on Sunday to get a poster done? Well, after lots of phone calls I was able to drum up two poster boards- thanks Sarah- you saved us!!! Madalyn knew what she wanted her slogan to be so I had to figure out how to make a giant crab- for those who do not know, Ryan is the artist in the family and would be perfect for the job, however he conveniently was out of town to miss all the excitement :o)!! So at 8:00 p.m. we got to work and you can see the final product- not too bad for an amature who was exhausted at the time. (For those who do not know I had the Sacrament Presentation that day and family over for dinner/pumpkin carving).
Monday morning came (today) and we headed for school with our unlaminated, no zipties, or duct tape to hang it up. I am so blessed to have really generous friends who's children were also running to share with me! I am usually on top of things, but this time I must say I blew it in the organized arena- I will say though, you never would have known it by the look of the poster. So in conclusion I can say just one thing- DON'T BE "CRABBIE" VOTE FOR "MADDIE"!!!